

8% Increase in Management Roles in Q1 2018 Compared to Q1 2017

2into3’s Quarterly Recruitment Monitor has shown that there has been an 8% increase in management roles advertised in the not-for-profit sector in Q1 2018 compared to Q1 2017. Fundraising and commercial roles were the most popular in Q1 with finance roles doubling on Q4 2017, while HR roles advertised have also increased. The full report can […]


2into3 Securing Sports Capital Funding for Sports Clubs

2into3 are delighted to have assisted 4 of our clients in the 2017 Sport Capital Programme Grant round. Since 2014, 2into3’s consulting practice has assisted clubs across a range of sports to secure funding. The capital projects that 2into3 assisted in secure funding for are; YMCA Hockey Club: in association with Wesley College: Awarded €150,000 towards resurfacing of the main […]


Fundraised Income up 30% Year-on-Year for Q3 2017

In Quarter 3, 2017 fundraised income increased by 30% over Quarter 3, 2016 on a year-on-year basis driven by Major Gifts and Emergency Direct Marketing Appeals. These findings emerged from the latest 2into3 Quarterly Fundraising Monitor. While this data looks at the overall trend for the sector, each subsector and fundraising method has had a different […]


2into3 Partners in Sport – Cricket Leinster Fundraising Masterclass

Cricket Leinster held a Fundraising Masterclass last Wednesday 22nd of February in the Talbot Hotel Stillorgan. This masterclass was facilitated by 2into3 Consultant Amy Power, a specialist on fundraising strategy development. The event was very well attended, with over 20 representatives from 13 Cricket Leinster clubs present. The masterclass was opened by Paul O’Sullivan, CEO […]