

Legacy Giving Should Become the Norm

#LegacyWeek is upon us! However, Ireland are still trailing behind the U.K. in terms of legacy giving for a variety of reasons.


The Annual Irish-Not-For-Profit Sector: Fundraising Report Launches Next Week

Next week 2into3 will hold three events around the country to launch the annual Irish Not-for-Profit Sector: Fundraising Performance Report, supported by The Community Foundation for Ireland.


Ireland’s Not-For-Profit Graduate Programme Launched

For Purpose will connect organisations with graduates seeking careers in the not-for-profit sector


Organisations Strategically Investing More in Legacies

In Q1, 2018 it cost organisations 11cent to raise €1 from Legacies. This finding emerged from the latest 2into3 Quarterly Fundraising Monitor.


Sports Capital 2018 Announced

The Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport have announced the 2018 Sports Capital Programme


Government Announces a More Strategic Sports Policy

Government investment in sport is set to double to €220 million by 2027


Organisations begin work on developing on their fundraising strategies

Amy Power, 2into3 Consultant, led organisations through a deeper understanding of key fundraising principles


2into3 Deliver Sports Capital Masterclass for Munster Cricket Clubs

The Masterclass took place on June 10th in the River Lee Hotel, Cork


The cost to raise €1 in 2017 falls to 25c as income from relationship fundraising methods increase

In 2017 it cost organisations 25cent to raise €1. This finding emerged from the latest 2into3 Quarterly Fundraising Monitor. While this data looks at the overall trend for the sector, each subsector and fundraising method has had a different experience. In 2017: Social Services: Increase of 19% Health: Increase of 1% International: Increase of 13% Arts, Culture, Media: Increase […]


2into3 Deliver Sports Capital Masterclass for Leinster Rugby

Leinster Rugby and 2into3 recently held a Sports Capital Masterclass on Thursday 30th of May in the Red Cow Moran Hotel. This Masterclass was facilitated by Dennis O’Connor from 2into3, a specialist on the Sports Capital Programme. The event was very well attended, with 24 representatives from 19 Leinster clubs present. Attendants were given an […]