The Economics of Faith paper explores the contemporary landscape of faith-based giving in Ireland. It provides a picture of the Irish religious nonprofit sector today. This report estimates the total income and charitable giving attributable to faith-based organisations in 2020. By analyzing the total income and charitable giving attributed to faith-based organizations in 2020, this research seeks to shed light on the funding trends and fundraising dynamics within the religious sector.
This report draws on data from the Benefacts Legacy Dataset, the Charities Regulator’s public register of charities and the annual Giving Ireland Report. The analysis primarily focuses on the financial years 2019-2020, with comparisons to 2018-2019. Additionally, trend analysis from 2016 to 2020 is derived from previous Giving Ireland reports. Thank you to the sponsors of this report, Quilter Cheviot, leading investment management company who specialise in helping charities and private clients with their investments.