Fundraising Advice during Covid19

Covid19 pandemic is having a significant impact in people’s lives and their communities. It also brings unprecedented and uncertain disruptions to the nonprofit sector in Ireland.

In our recent reports: Fundraising in a time of crisis: Lessons from history and Actions you can take to manage the impact of Covid19 on Fundraised Income, we explore these implications for our sector in detail. Some snippets below.

We have developed guidelines to help you identify how much your fundraising will be impacted by Covid19. These guidelines can be viewed in our report Actions you can take to manage the impact of Covid19 on Fundraised Income.

What action can be taken by your organisation?

1. Assess the potential loss of fundraised income for your organisation by taking your 2019 fundraised income by method by month and calculating the impact using the following factors:

    1. No impact on Major Gifts, Trusts and Foundations and Emergency Direct Marketing
    2. 10% reduction in Regular Committed Giving and Direct Marketing Appeals and Campaigns for 1/3rd of year.
    3. 25% reduction in Corporate for 1/3rd of the year
    4. 25% reduction in value of Legacies for the full year
    5. 75% reduction in Selling Something for half the year
    6. 100% reduction in Local & Community Fundraising for 2/3rds of the year

This the total potential loss of fundraised income for your organisation if unmitigated.

2. Apply for Covid-19 Wage Subsidy Scheme, if applicable. This could allow you to maintain your team to take the following actions 3-9

3. Re-look at potential Major Gift and Trust & Foundation income by undertaking prospect identification,wealth screening etc. Build your case for support.

4. Adapt the communications of your regular committed giving and direct marketing appeals to take account both of the likely impact of Covid-19 on some donors’ ability to give as well as the propensity of other donors to give more.

5. Invest more resources in your existing online channels, otherwise establish a new online giving platform to fill this gap.

6. Get in touch with all existing corporate donors, be proactive where their capacity to support your organisation is adversely impacted. Identify corporate sectors unaffected or performing strongly during Covid-19. Reach out where possible.

7. Develop a new plan for Selling Something & Local and Community activity post-Covid-19. Maintain your volunteer base by staying in touch.

8. Reassign resources based on your learning based on the outcomes of items 1 through 7 above.

 9. Monitor your performance carefully, comparing each month with the same month of the previous year and benchmark with your. peers and the sector.

10. Watch your sub-sector’s fundraising webinar here.

More information Actions you can take to manage the impact of Covid-19 on Fundraised Income.

Talk to us

To discuss Fundraising during Covid19, please contact Dennis O’Connor at +353 (0)86 816 2278 or Rob Foley at +353 (0)86 032 7935.