Denise Cranston

Denise is Head of Partnerships Advisory Practice at 2into3. Denise previously worked as a consultant, specialising in supporting international, national and local charities to build long term strategic corporate charity partnerships based on shared purpose.

Prior to that, Denise spent 23 years at Business in the Community NI leading their Workplace and Community Investment Programmes.  This involved  working with some of Northern Ireland’s leading companies, supporting senior business leaders adopt best practice approaches to Staff Wellbeing, Diversity & Inclusion, Social inclusion and Community engagement.

Denise instigated, led and managed a range of BITC’s campaigns, including Opportunity Now- the gender equality campaign aimed at improving women’s participation in the workplace, Migrant Workers Campaign where she developed a code of practice on the employment of migrant workers in 2005, Business on Board programme which matched business professionals onto local charity boards, and their current Age at Work Project working with employer to recognise the value of older workers.

Denise is a self-confessed shopaholic, and she can’t resist a bargain!  She loves nothing more than rummaging through a ‘good’ charity shop or trawling through the rails of TKMaxx.

Contact Denise:

Direct Dial:  01 584 5983 

Mobile: +353 86 855836

Denise Cranston