Co-operative Housing Ireland Recruitment

Over the past 4 years, 2into3 have managed the recruitment of 23 different senior and mid-level roles on behalf of Co-operative Housing Ireland, one of Ireland’s largest and fasted growing Approved Housing Bodies, with over 4,000 properties under their ownership and management. 

 This close relationship began in 2018 with the recruitment of a Head of Development role and has grown to cover a range of disciplines and levels of experience, covering Housing, Finance, IT, Asset Management, Risk, Service Delivery, Development, Operations and Member Engagement (see full list of roles filled below). We continue to work closely as trusted talent management partners, with barely a week going by when we are not working on at least one CHI role. 


The Context

For every role we manage, 2into3 always ensures we have a thorough understanding of the organisation for whom we are recruiting, as well as the full details of the job in question. We spend time exploring the organisation’s background and learning about their vision, mission, and values, as such information is essential when attracting candidates to nonprofit roles.  

 After 23 different roles, we are in a position at this stage to understand CHI as an organisation and as an employer better than anyone else. We know the culture of the organisation, and what sort of personality traits would make a good fit. As a result, we can be confident we are presenting potential candidates to them that fit their technical requirements but will also be a good organisational fit and will work well in the team they will be joining. 

 But even with this level of understanding, we still take the time before each new assignment to fully understand the role, the skills and experience needed, and the core competencies required. 

 We update CHI on progress throughout the project but are also able to get on with the task without too many interruptions, and our next formal meeting is typically when we have a shortlist of suitable candidates to present on an agreed date. We then manage the setup and moderation of full panel interviews and subsequent reference checks. 

 We remove all administration tasks from CHI, both in their HR department and for the line manager for each role, allowing them to focus on their business priorities.

Co-operative Housing Ireland
Recruitment Process at 2into3
Recruitment Team 2into3

The Action

We regularly ask our clients for feedback on how we have performed; while the ultimate metric in recruitment is whether we secured a high-quality candidate for the role in question, we like to know if the process that led to this successful outcome was what the client needed and expected. 

When speaking recently with CHI, the feedback was an overall 10/10 score for how we manage their recruitment projects, with Pat Moyne, CHI’s Head of Corporate Services saying they were: “very, very happy with the service”. Pat also commented that 2into3 have an: “excellent reach into a group of people you would not ordinarily expect to get”. 

As a sign of how we have refined our approach working with an ongoing client, CHI feel that we seek just the right level of involvement they want to have in each assignment, and they scored us 5/5 for each element of our recruitment process. 

Comparing 2into3 to other recruiters, CHI said our process is “much more meaningful”, as it is apparent that we have read the CVs and spoken to the individuals beforehand. In contrast, other recruiters they have worked with have “just forwarded loads of CVs and leave the work to CHI”. 

The Result

Since our relationship with Co-operative Housing Ireland began, we have successfully sourced 23 people that have led and grown CHI into the success that it is today.  

Pat Moyne stated he “intends to work with 2into3 in the future because of the performance to date and 2into3’s reputation as experts in the nonprofit sector and the social economy of Ireland”. 

We look forward to developing this talent management partnership further and to being a part of the growth and development of such an important organisation undertaking such socially valuable work. 

handshake 2into3 recruitment

Co-operative Housing Ireland Roles Filled by 2into3

  • Head of Finance 
  • Head of Asset Management & Property Services 
  • Head of Housing Services & Community Engagement 
  • National Operations Manager 
  • Area Housing Services Manager x 2 
  • Regional Asset Manager 
  • Policy & Communications Manager 
  • Treasury Manager  
  • HR Manager 
  • Financial Accountant 
  • Business Systems Analyst 
  • Information & Data Analyst 
  • Member Engagement Manager 
  • Risk & Compliance Manager 
  • Marketing Officer 
  • Housing Officers 
  • Development Officer x 2 
  • Clerical Officers 
  • Corporate Support Executive 
  • Development Coordinator x 2 

Interested in our Recruitment services?

Is your organisation interested in expanding your talent? Contact Shannon Barrett, Head of Talent Services at or on 086 063 4932.

2into3 nonprofit Talent recruitment trend
2into3 Team