Thank you – Rachel from Cork Simon
Thank you to Rachel Stevenson, Head of Fundraising from Cork Simon Community, who joined our Irish Giving Index webinar this week, as our guest speaker.
The topic was “How effective is your Fundraising?” and during the webinar, we shared some topline fundraising insights from the latest Irish Giving Index quarterly report.
Fundraising costs experienced a significant drop, from an average of €0.32 in Q2 2019 to €0.16 in Q2, 2020, cost to raise €1 (when comparing costs by quarter). *
The Q2 report also shows a 28% year-to-date increase in total fundraised income from 2019. This increase was seen across the International, Social Services and Health subsectors and remains consistent with findings of monthly year-on-year increases.

Irish Giving Index Fundraised Income
Rachel explained how she used the Irish Giving Index in her day-to-day role:
- Planning – It gives context to Irish fundraising landscape, how Cork Simon is performing when compared to other nonprofits of similar size and type. It identifies growth opportunities – what are others doing well and what can we learn from them. Targets can be set and measured accurately and without bias.
- Case making – When the evidence indicates a change in direction is required, or in fact no change in strategic direction should be made, the Irish Giving Index, gives the facts to support the case being made. The senior management team can be confident knowing the facts presented, are well thought out and are evidence based, from an independent source. Are extra resources needed to achieve the achieve the growth potential and close the gap? The Index provides the evidence needed to support your case.
- Operational – Benchmark our activities against other organisations. What activities have the best return on Investment? Which fundraising methods deliver.

Rachel Stevenson, Cork Simon
Subscribers fundraising data is confidential and is only shared at a cumulative level with other subscribers, so all individual organisations’ data is private and not shared with others. The service is not available to anyone outside of the sector and only fundraising Irish nonprofits can subscribe.
Thanks also to everyone who attended our webinar. If you missed it, here is the webinar recording.
More on Irish Giving Index
If you would like to speak to Dennis O’Connor please call 086 8162278.
*Source: Q2 2020 Report, Irish Giving Index