Corporate Fundraisers Forum

Takeaways from our Corporate Fundraisers Forum

We were delighted to host our sixth and final Corporate Fundraisers Forum on Wednesday 12th June at LinkedIn Ireland. Our Head of Partnerships Advisory Practice, Denise Cranston, commenced the Corporate Fundraisers Forum  with The Wheel in February, which consisted of a monthly corporate partnership learning session. This forum connected 17 fundraisers from different nonprofits to discuss and develop their corporate partnerships action plan.


Opening address from Katrina Enros, Social Impact Manager at LinkedIn Ireland 

Katrina joined us to share the different ways LinkedIn supports nonprofit organisations. LinkedIn for Nonprofits provides free resources and discounted products to help nonprofits hire and develop talent, connect with potential donors, build professional networks, and spread the word about your mission to attract new supporters. See which resources may be useful for your nonprofit here:


Corporate Fundraisers Forum Breakout Groups 

Denise then welcomed all 17 attendees to their final session split them into groups of four to discuss their corporate fundraising action plans, their overarching goals and a number of specific objectives to achieve those goals. One person from each group then shared their learnings.

Group Feedback: Plans and Learnings

  • “As a small organisation with limited resources, it’s important to work smarter, not harder when it comes to developing new partnerships.”
  • “We are now looking at how we can amplify what we’re currently doing. Another key factor is to highlight where the corporate investment is going, providing an emotional connection to their investment.”
  • “People give to people – potential partners want to hear personable stories from the people they’re impacting directly.”
  • “It’s important to ensure we have a solid plan in place for where we can build new relationships – networking, local volunteer groups, or word-of-mouth.”
  • “We’re starting off by developing a specific top prospect list and prioritising those contacts first.”
  • “Secure sponsorships – either become a chosen charity partner or to partner on specific programmes.”


The breakout groups generated many ideas around how to start initial relationships with potential corporate partners, applying Denise’s tips from previous Corporate Fundraiser Forums to their action plan.

The attendees then took a short break so they could discuss their findings further, before heading into the final session.


Sinead Vaughan, Training Manager, The Wheel

Sinead joined the session to provide information on further training courses with The Wheel. The Wheel is Ireland’s national association of charities, community groups and social enterprises.

As a representative voice, they provide leadership to the charity and community sector and advocate on behalf of their growing community of members. As a supportive resource, they offer advice, training and other opportunities to people working or volunteering in the charity and community sector.


Concluding the Corporate Fundraisers Forum

Denise extended her thanks to the attendees and invited them to lunch, provided by LinkedIn Ireland. This in-person session was a fantastic way for the Corporate Fundraiser Forum participants to network in-person, share ideas and collaborate.

Are you interested in attending a Corporate Fundraisers Forum in future, or would like more information on developing a corporate partnership? Contact our Head of Partnerships Advisory Practice, Denise Cranston, at or on 086 085 5836.