Wealth Screening


Wealth Screening identifies and qualifies your top prospects helping you maximise your fundraising potential. It enhances relationship-based fundraising methods, specifically major gift donations.

Our approach to Wealth Screening

Once the appropriate consent and permissions for data capture are in place, we will wealth screen your prospect lists, using the proprietary 2into3 wealth screening platform. This identifies donors and populates gift-giving pyramids at increasing levels of giving. From here you can start to build relationships with the selected prospects and then make requests for support.

Our success to date

Clients we have worked with on successful wealth screening include UCD, the Children’s Medical & Research Foundation and the Arts Council of Ireland.

Taking the first step

We can guide you through the entire Wealth Screening process and enable your organisation to arrive at a list of prospective donors. Call Dennis on +353 (0)86-816 2278  dennis@2into3.com or Rob Foley +353 (0)86-032 7935 rob.foley@2into3.com